Ferguson Household
Andrew served as Co-CEO of Dalio Education, where he led the team, overall strategy, and grant-making alongside Barbara Dalio. They worked together as partners for a decade (2014-2024) to build Dalio Education in service of young people, public schools, non-profit organizations, and communities in Connecticut. They created the Connecticut Opportunity Project, a social investment fund and capacity-building initiative that supports youth-serving organizations benefiting young people ages 14 to 26 who are severely off-track or disconnected from education and employment. They led major research initiatives and a public awareness campaign to build support for young people who are at-risk or disconnected. They also collaborated with Bob Hughes and Emily Pallin to create the RISE Network. As an independent non-profit organization, RISE facilitates improvement networks where educators work together across schools and districts to support high school students in graduating with a plan, skills and confidence to achieve college and career success.
Andrew served as Co-Chair of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities' 119K Commission on At-Risk and Disconnected Youth. Over an 8-month period in 2024, the Commission convened more than 800 people across Connecticut to gather input in developing an actionable, multi-year strategy to get 60,000 young people back on track. The Commission published Young People First in October 2024 with broad support from bi-partisan municipal leaders as well as Connecticut’s largest business association and teachers’ union.
Prior to joining Dalio Education in 2014, Andrew served at the Connecticut Department of Education, where he led efforts to increase student achievement in Connecticut’s highest-need schools and districts. Earlier in his career, he worked as an elementary school teacher at Beecher School in New Haven.