Regional Vice President, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Centene Corporation
Erika McConduit leads diversity, equity and inclusion for Centene Corporation, a Fortune 50 healthcare organization. Previously, Erika led statewide policy initiatives as the Louisiana Director for the Education Trust after serving as the president and chief executive officer of the Urban League of Louisiana, whose mission is to Empower Communities and Change Lives. Erika is heavily engaged in education reform, as a representative of the community engagement arm of the movement. In this capacity, she has served on numerous committees including Mayor Landrieu’s Education Task Force, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education John White’s Student Task Force as co-chair, and the Recovery School District’s Charter Application Task Force. Additionally, she served as co-chair of the National Urban League’s Education Task Force. Erika has served as an adjunct faculty member of Dillard University where she taught courses in Public Health Law and Media Law. She has also taught at Monroe College in New York, instructing courses such as Criminal Law, Introduction to the American Legal System and Current Issues in Criminal Justice. Her current and past service extends to serving on the boards of the Data Quality Campaign, KIPP St Louis, New Schools for New Orleans, New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute, the New Orleans Advocate, and United Way’s Women’s Leadership Council, and more. Erika is also a member of the Crescent City Chapter of Links, Inc. Erika is a New Orleans native and a Louisiana licensed attorney and holds a valuable private sector background through her work with Frilot, Partridge, Kohnke & Clements, L.C. law firm, MTV Networks, Nickelodeon and VH1. Erika graduated summa cum laude from Howard University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, and cum laude from Loyola University School of Law in New Orleans, Louisiana.