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Audience in Lecture






Assistant Superintendent


Newark Public Schools


Jose Fuentes is an assistant superintendent at Newark Public Schools. It is the largest and one of the oldest school systems in New Jersey comprised of sixty-two schools. The racial and ethnic diversity of the city provides a rich educational experience for pre-kindergarten to secondary school students. Jose is responsible for thirteen schools in the city's North Ward. Before this role, Jose served as principal at First Avenue School in Newark, New Jersey. First Avenue School is a Pre-K to 8th grade school with approximately 1,200 students and it is one of the highest performing schools in the city. First Avenue School is home to a robust and comprehensive autism, inclusion, and bilingual program. In 2012, Jose was chosen to lead Chancellor Avenue School, one of eight turnaround schools in the city of Newark. As principal of Chancellor Avenue School, Jose implemented a blended learning model in grades third through eighth, equipped the school with one device per every two students, and oversaw the expansion of the school from 400 to 560 students. The school’s culture improved significantly, as well as district and state achievement data that rose steadily. Jose is a member of the Peer Oversight Committee, which oversees the district’s implementation of the teacher evaluation system. Before becoming principal, Jose worked at McKinley Elementary School as a fourth and fifth grade teacher, grade level chairperson, and as the chairman of the school leadership council. He earned his BA in religion from Columbia University and his MA in educational leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University. Jose is originally from El Salvador, and currently calls New Jersey home.

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