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Audience in Lecture








Wheeling to Healing


Reverend James Encinas is a parent educator, child abuse/domestic violence service provider, activist, author, actor and public speaker. He is also currently a student of The Living School for Action and Contemplation, a two year program for a select group of students that have come together to deepen engagement with their truest selves and with the world. Propelled by his Aspen Fellowship experience James completed a cross country bicycle ride and as a result has written a book titled Wheeling to Healing: Broken Heart on a Bicycle. His second book, is a companion guide titled, Your Own Wheeling To Healing: A Guide To Healing Yourself And Groups of People Who've Experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences. It offers readers a way to own their process of healing, and to share it with others. Prior to this James was as an educator and role model for the heavily Latino population at Westminster Avenue Elementary School. James helped found the Westminster Avenue Elementary School Endowment, a not-for-profit focused on strengthening ties with parents and the community at large. Entering the teaching profession after a TV/film acting career, James Encinas served for 17 years as an educator and role model for the heavily Latino population at Westminster Avenue Elementary School.

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