Founding Principal & Executive Director
Alliance Marine - Innovation & Technology 6-12 Complex
Jonathan Tiongco currently serves as the Founding Principal and Executive Director for the Alliance Marine - Innovation & Technology 6-12 Complex (Alliance MIT). Named Alliance College-Ready Public Schools? Principal of the Year in 2020, Mr. Tiongco has been directly responsible for leading Alliance MIT to become the fastest growing school in LAUSD and highest performing school in its region. He is deeply invested in creating and sustaining innovative educational systems and programs devoted to social justice, equity, inclusion, and community empowerment. Prior to stepping back into school leadership, he served as Alliance?s network-wide Director of BLAST Implementation. In this role, he oversaw Alliance?s portfolio of blended learning schools, which included blended learning pilots, full-school conversions, and a Next Generation Learning Challenges grantee school. Before joining the Alliance, he served as the School Site Co-Director (Instruction) for Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools. During his time as the instructional leader, his school demonstrated some of the largest academic gains in the district. Mr. Tiongco began his career as a middle school teacher, technology coach, service learning and leadership coordinator, and marathon leader. He earned his BA in Sociology from UCLA and his MA in Computing in Education from Columbia University. He and his wife, Sally, are the proud parents of two amazing children, Madelyn and Miles. As a side passion project, he and his family own and operate the highest rated and most culturally diverse walking food tour company, Six Taste, in their beloved hometown of Los Angeles.