Senior Program Officer, Education
Leon Levine Foundation
Russ Altenburg, a son of farming families in South Korea and Wisconsin and the first in his family to finish college, is a social impact leader and entrepreneur focused on systems change and innovation. He is the Senior Program Officer for Education at the Leon Levine Foundation. Previously, he co-founded three nonprofits focused on education innovation. Global Playground (2005) has built 15 schools in 11 countries and still operates today. Reframe Labs (2015) is a startup studio that has trained 60 aspiring school launchers, 91% leaders of color or women, to incubate 14 new organizations/programs shaping the future of education, eight of which are innovative charter schools. Goodbeat (2021) is a digital media organization focused on culture shift organizing through parent voice and social media. He was also a program officer at the Broad Foundation, where he led grantmaking related to K-12 innovation nationally. Prior to joining Broad, he was an Education Pioneers Fellow at NewSchools Venture Fund. He started his career at JPMorgan. Russ holds a BSc in Economics from Duke and an MBA from UCLA, where he was awarded the John Wooden Leadership Fellowship. Russ is a member or alumni of EdLoC, Pahara, the KIPP Leadership Design Fellowship, and the 4.0 Schools Community Catalyst Program. He served as Board President of Speak UP Parents, a Los Angeles parent advocacy organization, from 2017-2022, and now serves on the board of KIPP North Carolina.