Founder, Board Chair
Ripple Effects
A long-time child advocate and civil rights activist, in 1997 Alice Ray founded Ripple Effects, the first social-enterprise dedicated to using emerging technologies to address non-academic factors in school and life success. Ripple Effects technology integrates SEL training with trauma-informed mental health supports and social justice consciousness raising, through personalized motivational counseling, problem solving and skill building, with parallel programs for students and teachers. As part of her Aspen Leadership Project, Alice created Bouncy the People Trainer, a multi-breed, disabled, plush robotic service dog, to provide 4-7 year olds with three things they need for little brains to switch from a stressed out mode, to a ready to learn mode: sense of safety, secure relationship, and social emotional skill training. Ripple Effects is listed on the National Registry of Evidence Proven Practices (NREPP) with documented positive impact on resiliency assets and academic achievement. Alice has received numerous awards for social leadership, entrepreneurial success, and creative excellence from the education, technology, and health industries-- including 8 Emmys, a dozen national film and video awards, and 30 software awards. She has retired as CEO at Ripple Effects is currently working on special projects, including mentoring young adults in Appalachia to take creative positions in video and animation production and translating Bouncy materials for use by children injured in war in Gaza and Israel.